Jindřich Bär

Competition Analysis - Declarative Web Automation Framework

Since the web automation industry is growing at a rapid rate, it is crucial to match the competition. The following text offers a comparison of available competing products with the proposed project on various qualities.

The comparison is made on the following points:

  Ease of Use Resilience Open format Language support
Selenium Web Driver, Playwright, Puppeteer ❌ Programmming required ❌ Not inherent 1 🟨 Source code JS, Java, C#, Python…
Dexi.io ✅ WYSIWYG recorder (web app) 🟨 Not ensured 2 ❌ JSON-based proprietary format runnable by a proprietary SW only
Browse.ai ✅ WYSIWYG recorder (Chrome extension) ❌ Not possible ❌ Closed-source format (vendor lock-in) no exportable file (only executable via platform)
WBR (this SW) ✅ WYSIWYG editor (web app) ✅ Rooted in the format design ✅ JSON-based open format language-agnostic

1 The programmer has to account for edge cases using their own code.
2 The author has to explain the workflow split points manually.