Jindřich Bär

<( Measuring the current search result ranking )

Identity inference with graph-based hierarchical clustering

This Python notebook shows the process of benchmarking the search result ranking for the Charles Explorer application. It is a part of my diploma thesis at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague.

Find out more about the thesis in the GitHub repository.

Made by Jindřich Bär, 2024.

To address the problems of the naïve identity inference approach, we try to add graph data to the process. In this post, we use the hierarchical clustering algorithm to group the potential identical graph nodes together.

In the realm of data mining and statistics, hierarchical clustering is an umbrella term for a set of unsupervised learning algorithms for grouping given data points into a hierarchy of clusters. Typically, these algorithms iteratively merge the closest clusters together, until only one cluster remains.

The distance metric used for the clustering can be any metric that defines the similarity between the data points.


In the case of our dataset, we can use the shortest path distance between the nodes in the graph as the distance metric.

We define the merging process as follows:

  1. Start with a graph with nodes only merged based on explicit identifiers. PUBLICATION_AUTHOR_ALL records without an explicit identifier are represented as separate nodes.
  2. Select an arbitrary unmerged node without an identifier.
    1. Using the naïve approach, we find all merge candidates for the selected node. Note that we are using the normalized name equality as the requirement for the merge.
    2. We calculate the distance matrix between the selected node and all the merge candidates.
    3. Using a hierarchical clustering algorithm, we cluster the data points based on the distance matrix. We select the cut-off distance based on the distance distribution.
  3. Go to step 2 until all the non-identifier nodes are merged.


To evaluate the performance of this algorithm, we first collect the largest naïve approach merge groups. The idea behind this is that the largest groups are the most likely to contain false positive merges.

With the following query, we create a new table HIERARCHICAL_MERGING that contains the normalized name, unique identifier, and publication ID for each author node.

	normalize_name("PERSON_NAME") as normalized_name, -- uses the normalize_name extension
	"rank" || '-' || replace(replace(replace(lower("PERSON_NAME"),' ', '-'), '.', '-'), ',', '-') || '-' || "PUBLICATION_ID" AS "unique_id", -- creates a unique identifier for each author node
-- took 4010 ms 

-- took 2152 ms

Then, we group this table by the normalized name and select the groups with the most members.

import sqlite3 
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'normalized_name': [],
    'unique_id': [],
    'publication_id': [],

with sqlite3.connect("explorer.db") as conn:
    cursor = conn.cursor()
FROM   hierarchical_merging
WHERE  normalized_name IN (SELECT normalized_name
                           FROM   (SELECT normalized_name,
                                          Count(*) AS C
                                   FROM   hierarchical_merging
                                   GROUP  BY normalized_name
                                   ORDER  BY c DESC
                                   LIMIT  10)); """

    for row in cursor.fetchall():
        df.loc[len(df)] = row

df.to_csv('hierarchical_merging.csv', index=False)

Now that we have the 10 largest groups of naïve merges, we can evaluate the hierarchical clustering algorithm on them.

Distance matrix calculation

We start by calculating the distance matrix of a given group.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('hierarchical_merging.csv')

ids = df[df['normalized_name'] == 'h abramowicz']['unique_id'].to_list()

We issue the following Cypher query to Memgraph to get the pairwise distances between the nodes in the group.

First, we evaluate this query on the first 5 ids only:

import time
from utils.memgraph import execute_query

query = f"""
MATCH path=(p1: person)-[*BFS]-(p2: person)
    p1.PERSON_ID IN $queryCandidates
    p2.PERSON_ID IN $queryCandidates
    size(path) AS distance

start = time.time()
records, _, _ = execute_query(query, queryCandidates=ids[0:5])
end = time.time()

print(f"Got {len(records)} records")
print(f"Query took {end - start} seconds")
Got 25 records
Query took 15.13455677032470703 seconds

While we are only retrieving distances for 25 pairs of nodes, the query takes 15 seconds to complete. Let’s explore the query execution plan

execute_query(f"EXPLAIN {query}", queryCandidates=ids[0:5])
([<Record QUERY PLAN=' * Produce {p1.PERSON_ID, p2.PERSON_ID, distance}'>,
  <Record QUERY PLAN=' * ConstructNamedPath'>,
  <Record QUERY PLAN=' * Filter (p2 :person), Generic {p2}'>,
  <Record QUERY PLAN=' * BFSExpand (p1)-[anon1]-(p2)'>,
  <Record QUERY PLAN=' * Filter (p1 :person), Generic {p1}'>,
  <Record QUERY PLAN=' * ScanAll (p1)'>,
  <Record QUERY PLAN=' * Once'>],
 <neo4j._work.summary.ResultSummary at 0x7f4c58a20a30>,

(Technical note: the plan is to be read from the bottom to the top.)

We see that the query is doing a full scan on the first node matching - followed by a filter on the PERSON_ID property. The search for the second node is done by a BFS expansion from the first node and repeated filtering. All of this is highly inefficient.

Experimenting with the query shows us that inlining the parameter as an array literal into the query results in an much faster execution plan.

start = time.time()
execute_query(query.replace("$queryCandidates", str(ids[0:5])))
end = time.time()
print(f"Query took {end - start} seconds")
Query took 0.03372311592102051 seconds
execute_query(f"""EXPLAIN {
    query.replace("$queryCandidates", str(ids[0:5]))
([<Record QUERY PLAN=' * Produce {p1.PERSON_ID, p2.PERSON_ID, distance}'>,
  <Record QUERY PLAN=' * ConstructNamedPath'>,
  <Record QUERY PLAN=' * STShortestPath (p1)-[anon1]-(p2)'>,
  <Record QUERY PLAN=' * ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue (p2 :person {PERSON_ID})'>,
  <Record QUERY PLAN=' * Unwind'>,
  <Record QUERY PLAN=' * ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue (p1 :person {PERSON_ID})'>,
  <Record QUERY PLAN=' * Unwind'>,
  <Record QUERY PLAN=' * Once'>],
 <neo4j._work.summary.ResultSummary at 0x7f4c58a21ba0>,

We see that the inlined-array version of the query causes Memgraph to utilize the index on PERSON_ID. The search for the second node is also done by the index lookup and the breadth-first search is replaced by the s-t shortest path algorithm.

The speedup is significant - the query now takes ~30 ms instead of 15000 ms.

We continue by calculating the distances for 100,000 pairs of nodes.

offset = 0 

df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['p1', 'p2', 'distance'])

start = time.time()
while offset < 100_000:
    print(f"Processing {offset} / {100_000}")
    records, _, _ = execute_query(f"""{query.replace("$queryCandidates", str(ids))} SKIP {offset} limit {BATCH_SIZE}""");
    offset += BATCH_SIZE

    for record in records:
        df.loc[len(df)] = [record['p1.PERSON_ID'], record['p2.PERSON_ID'], record['distance']]
end = time.time()

print(f"Query took {end - start} seconds")

Processing 0 / 100000
Processing 1000 / 100000
Processing 2000 / 100000
Processing 3000 / 100000
Processing 4000 / 100000
Processing 5000 / 100000
Processing 6000 / 100000
Processing 7000 / 100000
Processing 8000 / 100000
Processing 9000 / 100000
Processing 10000 / 100000
Processing 11000 / 100000
Processing 12000 / 100000
Processing 13000 / 100000
Processing 14000 / 100000
Processing 15000 / 100000
Processing 16000 / 100000
Processing 17000 / 100000
Processing 18000 / 100000
Processing 19000 / 100000
Processing 20000 / 100000
Processing 21000 / 100000
Processing 22000 / 100000
Processing 23000 / 100000
Processing 24000 / 100000
Processing 25000 / 100000
Processing 26000 / 100000
Processing 27000 / 100000
Processing 28000 / 100000
Processing 29000 / 100000
Processing 30000 / 100000
Processing 31000 / 100000
Processing 32000 / 100000
Processing 33000 / 100000
Processing 34000 / 100000
Processing 35000 / 100000
Processing 36000 / 100000
Processing 37000 / 100000
Processing 38000 / 100000
Processing 39000 / 100000
Processing 40000 / 100000
Processing 41000 / 100000
Processing 42000 / 100000
Processing 43000 / 100000
Processing 44000 / 100000
Processing 45000 / 100000
Processing 46000 / 100000
Processing 47000 / 100000
Processing 48000 / 100000
Processing 49000 / 100000
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Processing 51000 / 100000
Processing 52000 / 100000
Processing 53000 / 100000
Processing 54000 / 100000
Processing 55000 / 100000
Processing 56000 / 100000
Processing 57000 / 100000
Processing 58000 / 100000
Processing 59000 / 100000
Processing 60000 / 100000
Processing 61000 / 100000
Processing 62000 / 100000
Processing 63000 / 100000
Processing 64000 / 100000
Processing 65000 / 100000
Processing 66000 / 100000
Processing 67000 / 100000
Processing 68000 / 100000
Processing 69000 / 100000
Processing 70000 / 100000
Processing 71000 / 100000
Processing 72000 / 100000
Processing 73000 / 100000
Processing 74000 / 100000
Processing 75000 / 100000
Processing 76000 / 100000
Processing 77000 / 100000
Processing 78000 / 100000
Processing 79000 / 100000
Processing 80000 / 100000
Processing 81000 / 100000
Processing 82000 / 100000
Processing 83000 / 100000
Processing 84000 / 100000
Processing 85000 / 100000
Processing 86000 / 100000
Processing 87000 / 100000
Processing 88000 / 100000
Processing 89000 / 100000
Processing 90000 / 100000
Processing 91000 / 100000
Processing 92000 / 100000
Processing 93000 / 100000
Processing 94000 / 100000
Processing 95000 / 100000
Processing 96000 / 100000
Processing 97000 / 100000
Processing 98000 / 100000
Processing 99000 / 100000
Query took 537.5532047748566 seconds
p1 p2 distance
0 6152-h-abramowicz-608329 6832-h-abramowicz-608307 4
1 6152-h-abramowicz-608329 7256-h-abramowicz-608355 4
2 6152-h-abramowicz-608329 7422-h-abramowicz-608270 4
3 6152-h-abramowicz-608329 7657-h-abramowicz-608106 4
4 6152-h-abramowicz-608329 168658-h--abramowicz-526468 4
... ... ... ...
99995 618080-h--abramowicz-488839 708810-h--abramowicz-506543 4
99996 618080-h--abramowicz-488839 710032-h--abramowicz-523658 4
99997 618080-h--abramowicz-488839 710986-h--abramowicz-523451 4
99998 618080-h--abramowicz-488839 712639-h--abramowicz-522545 4
99999 618080-h--abramowicz-488839 713124-h--abramowicz-523420 4

100000 rows × 3 columns

((end-start)*1000) / 100_000

The approach above with SKIP and LIMIT results in a mean time of 5.37 ms per pair of nodes. For calculating the matrix of e.g. 490000 pairs (for an external author consisting of 700 nodes), this would take around 43 minutes.

While this is a one-time operation (and the distances cannot change, as the external author nodes are always connected only to the one publication they are attributed to), it is still a significant amount of time.

Monopartite projection

The run time of the distance matrix calculation is further increased by the bipartitedness of the graph. During the calculation of the shortest path distance between two person nodes, the breadth-first search algorithm is forced to explore the intermediate publication nodes - even though they have no possibility of being the target node. This can inflate the size of the internal BFS queue and the number of the visited nodes.

To calculate the monopartite network projection, we can a set of SQL queries.

First, we create a table with the normalized names of the authors and their unique identifiers. The column NORMALIZED contains the normalized name of the author, while the column UNIQUE_ID contains the unique identifier of the author. The unique identifier is created by concatenating the row ID of the author with the normalized name of the author. For authors with available identifiers, the UNIQUE_ID column contains the identifier. Last column PUBLICATION_ID contains the publication ID of the publication the author is attributed to.

	normalize_name(PERSON_NAME) as NORMALIZED, 
	CASE WHEN length(PERSON_ID) > 0 then PERSON_ID ELSE (ROWID || '-' || REPLACE(normalize_name(PERSON_NAME), ' ', '-')) END AS UNIQUE_ID,

For getting the edges of the new monopartite projection, we use the SQL INNER JOIN operation on the PROJECTION table with itself. We join the table on the PUBLICATION_ID column, which ensures that we only get the edges between the authors that are attributed to the same publication.


) AS X 
) AS Y 

By grouping the PROJECTION table by the UNIQUE_ID column, we can get the list of nodes in the monopartite projection.

The edge calculation is above.

We export these new tables to CSV files and upload them to the Memgraph instance.

import sqlite3 
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'unique_id': [],
    'normalized_name': [],

with sqlite3.connect("explorer.db") as conn:
    cursor = conn.cursor()
SELECT unique_id, "min(normalized)" FROM NODES WHERE "min(normalized)" in (
	"min(normalized)" as name, 
	count(*) as c 
from nodes 
	group by "min(normalized)" 
	order by c 
	desc limit 10

    for row in cursor.fetchall():
        df.loc[len(df)] = row

df.to_csv('hierarchical_merging_new_ids.csv', index=False)
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('hierarchical_merging_new_ids.csv')

ids = df[df['normalized_name'] == 'h abramowicz']['unique_id'].to_list()

Now we can repeat the experiment with the distance matrix calculation on the monopartite projection.

import time 
from utils.memgraph import execute_query

offset = 0 

df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['p1', 'p2', 'distance'])

query = f"""
MATCH path=(p1: Person)-[*BFS]-(p2: Person)
    p1.id IN $queryCandidates
    p2.id IN $queryCandidates
    size(path) AS distance

start = time.time()
while offset < 100_000:
    print(f"Processing {offset} / {100_000}")
    records, _, _ = execute_query(f"""{query.replace("$queryCandidates", str(ids))} SKIP {offset} limit {BATCH_SIZE}""");
    offset += BATCH_SIZE

    for record in records:
        df.loc[len(df)] = [record['p1.id'], record['p2.id'], record['distance']]
end = time.time()

print(f"Query took {end - start} seconds")

Processing 0 / 100000
Processing 1000 / 100000
Processing 2000 / 100000
Processing 3000 / 100000
Processing 4000 / 100000
Processing 5000 / 100000
Processing 6000 / 100000
Processing 7000 / 100000
Processing 8000 / 100000
Processing 9000 / 100000
Processing 10000 / 100000
Processing 11000 / 100000
Processing 12000 / 100000
Processing 13000 / 100000
Processing 14000 / 100000
Processing 15000 / 100000
Processing 16000 / 100000
Processing 17000 / 100000
Processing 18000 / 100000
Processing 19000 / 100000
Processing 20000 / 100000
Processing 21000 / 100000
Processing 22000 / 100000
Processing 23000 / 100000
Processing 24000 / 100000
Processing 25000 / 100000
Processing 26000 / 100000
Processing 27000 / 100000
Processing 28000 / 100000
Processing 29000 / 100000
Processing 30000 / 100000
Processing 31000 / 100000
Processing 32000 / 100000
Processing 33000 / 100000
Processing 34000 / 100000
Processing 35000 / 100000
Processing 36000 / 100000
Processing 37000 / 100000
Processing 38000 / 100000
Processing 39000 / 100000
Processing 40000 / 100000
Processing 41000 / 100000
Processing 42000 / 100000
Processing 43000 / 100000
Processing 44000 / 100000
Processing 45000 / 100000
Processing 46000 / 100000
Processing 47000 / 100000
Processing 48000 / 100000
Processing 49000 / 100000
Processing 50000 / 100000
Processing 51000 / 100000
Processing 52000 / 100000
Processing 53000 / 100000
Processing 54000 / 100000
Processing 55000 / 100000
Processing 56000 / 100000
Processing 57000 / 100000
Processing 58000 / 100000
Processing 59000 / 100000
Processing 60000 / 100000
Processing 61000 / 100000
Processing 62000 / 100000
Processing 63000 / 100000
Processing 64000 / 100000
Processing 65000 / 100000
Processing 66000 / 100000
Processing 67000 / 100000
Processing 68000 / 100000
Processing 69000 / 100000
Processing 70000 / 100000
Processing 71000 / 100000
Processing 72000 / 100000
Processing 73000 / 100000
Processing 74000 / 100000
Processing 75000 / 100000
Processing 76000 / 100000
Processing 77000 / 100000
Processing 78000 / 100000
Processing 79000 / 100000
Processing 80000 / 100000
Processing 81000 / 100000
Processing 82000 / 100000
Processing 83000 / 100000
Processing 84000 / 100000
Processing 85000 / 100000
Processing 86000 / 100000
Processing 87000 / 100000
Processing 88000 / 100000
Processing 89000 / 100000
Processing 90000 / 100000
Processing 91000 / 100000
Processing 92000 / 100000
Processing 93000 / 100000
Processing 94000 / 100000
Processing 95000 / 100000
Processing 96000 / 100000
Processing 97000 / 100000
Processing 98000 / 100000
Processing 99000 / 100000
Query took 634.8132185935974 seconds
p1 p2 distance
0 1141499-h-abramowicz 1143186-h-abramowicz 2
1 1141499-h-abramowicz 1143312-h-abramowicz 2
2 1141499-h-abramowicz 1149866-h-abramowicz 2
3 1141499-h-abramowicz 1152472-h-abramowicz 2
4 1141499-h-abramowicz 1156297-h-abramowicz 2
... ... ... ...
99995 1309755-h-abramowicz 616512-h-abramowicz 2
99996 1309755-h-abramowicz 616544-h-abramowicz 2
99997 1309755-h-abramowicz 616618-h-abramowicz 2
99998 1309755-h-abramowicz 617091-h-abramowicz 2
99999 1309755-h-abramowicz 617122-h-abramowicz 2

100000 rows × 3 columns

((end-start)*1000) / 100_000

We see that the monopartite projection graph resulted in an even slower distance matrix calculation.

While the uptick in the mean time per pair is most probably just a fluctuation caused by a momentary workstation load, this also shows us that the graph shrinking does not necessarily lead to a faster calculation.

From start-target to start-targetS

Another potential optimization is based on the way the distances between the nodes are caluculated. During BFS, the algorithm visits growing k-hop neighborhoods of the start node until it finds the target node.

Since we are calculating the entire distance matrix (for a set of nodes), we can optimize the algorithm by calculating the distances between one start node and multiple target nodes (i.e. the entire distance matrix row) during one graph search.

While Memgraph uses a slightly modified version of the BFS algorithm for searching the shortest path between two nodes (see the implementation) - expanding from both the start and the target node - the algorithm still runs this process for each pair of nodes separately. This is mostly due to the specific nature of our problem - and missing support for this “vectorized” BFS expansion in Memgraph. While the possibility of this optimization could likely be inferred from the Cypher query (and the query planner could optimize the query accordingly), the current implementation does not support this.

To speed up the distance matrix computation, we implement our own version of the BFS algorithm in a custom C++ program. Given a CSV with the edges of the graph, the program calculates the distance matrix for a given set of nodes.

The program source code is available in the thesis GitHub repository.

Calculating the distance matrix for the same set of nodes as before, we see that the custom program is significantly faster than the Cypher query:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

measurements = [
np.array([6.11079905, 5.79937726, 6.60828484, 5.3695583 , 7.21797307,
        7.34526385, 6.58686957, 6.52861469, 7.0352216 , 6.37196232]),
 np.array([5.99003952, 5.68864305, 6.52982193, 6.82900729, 6.90560201,
        5.28412181, 5.7300009 , 6.23405562, 6.14991884, 6.49202215]),
 np.array([1.80531411, 2.19183679, 1.95612833, 1.67597087, 1.34216438,
        1.175418  , 1.6848326 , 1.2517913 , 1.51308082, 1.86346868]),
 np.array([1.53597246, 1.77544004, 2.24401417, 1.78623411, 2.75363767,
        1.34239906, 1.60528235, 1.95255756, 1.01180207, 1.17607681]),
 np.array([0.45197211, 0.32973187, 0.48522887, 0.23372822, 0.39288175,
        0.60631992, 0.53660973, 0.41615214, 0.57888239, 0.49255295])]

plt.xticks([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ['Memgraph', 'Memgraph\n(monopartite\nprojection)', 'Vectorized', 'Vectorized\nsymmetric', 'Vectorized\nw/ threads'])
plt.ylabel('Time per pair [ms]')
plt.title('Distance matrix computation time')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distance matrix computation time')


We see that calculating only the upper triangle of the distance matrix (i.e. the distances between the nodes) does not bring any significant speedup.

While this might help with the original computation of the distance matrix (i.e. calculating the distance for each pair separately), the custom program already calculates the distances for all pairs of nodes in parallel. For graphs where most of the target nodes are in the same depth from the start node (and we terminate the search once we find all target nodes), the speed-up is insignificant.

Since the BFS expansion is a read-only operation, parallelization of the problem is straightforward. We can split the set of distance-matrix nodes into multiple parts and calculate the rows of the matrix in parallel threads. This brings the expected approximately 4-fold computational speedup.