The web application source code is structured as a Node.js NPM-style package. It contains several important files and directories:

  • package.json: This file contains package metadata.
  • tsconfig.json: This file contains TypeScript compiler configuration.
  • tailwind.config.js and postcss.config.js: These files are for configuring the Tailwind CSS framework.
  • remix.config.js: The Remix.js configuration is located here.

Aside from the files listed above, the project contains the following directories:


The styles folder contains global CSS stylesheets. If you need to add a new CSS rule, this is the place to do it. Other CSS files in the project are generated automatically using Tailwind CSS and should not be modified manually.


The public folder contains static assets such as images and localization files that the application serves. To add a new localization, follow the structure of existing localization files (e.g., public/locales/cs/common.json).


The app folder contains the main application code:


The components folder contains React components used in the application. Components are organized into folders based on their purpose:

  • GlobalLoading.tsx: This component is used to display a loading indicator when the application is loading data from the backend.
  • RelatedItem.tsx: Heavily reused component for displaying the link to either a search result or a related entity.
  • Modal
    • Modal.tsx: This component is used to display a modal dialog with the information about the application.
  • Topbar
    • Topbar.tsx: Renders the control buttons above the search bar.
  • ItemDetail
    • ItemHeader.tsx: Renders the header of the item detail page.
    • RelatedEntities.tsx: Renders the list related entities of the item detail page.
    • TextField.tsx: Renders a single text field of the item detail page.
  • Search
    • SearchBar.tsx: Renders the search bar - an input field with a search button and a suggestion dropdown.
    • SuggestionItem.tsx: Renders a single suggestion item in the search bar dropdown.
    • SearchTool.tsx: Renders the search tool - the search bar and a set of buttons for filtering the search results.
  • WordCloud
    • CytoscapeWrapper.ts: An abstraction over the Cytoscape.js library for orchestrating the word cloud visualization.
    • DummyKeywords.ts: An array with dummy keywords used for testing and improving the word cloud visualization.
    • WordCloud.tsx: Renders the word cloud visualization based on the current search results.


The routes folder defines application routes according to the Remix.js specification. Each .tsx file in this folder represents a single (possibly nested) route in the application. These files combine components from the components folder into pages served by the application. The index.tsx file serves as the entry point of the application.

Detailed description of the individual route files is in the separate Routes section.

Other files

  • app/assets: The assets folder contains static assets (SVG files) used in application components. These are imported directly into the code.

  • app/connectors: The connectors folder contains modules used to interface the application with backend services, including the Prisma client and a minimalistic Solr client implementation.

  • app/utils: The utils folder contains utility functions, primarily for data transformations, used throughout the application. There’s no specific structure for this folder, as it’s not expected to grow very large.

  • app/i18n.ts: This file contains internationalization logic. It’s used to load localization files from the public folder and provides the t function for translating the application. To add a new localization, register it in the i18n.ts file.

Other files in the app folder are either automatically generated or used for application configuration and typically aren’t relevant for project maintainers.